Presenting "Tips and Tricks for Taking Depositions in Employment Cases," Available Through the National Business Institute
I recently presented Tips and Tricks for Taking Depositions in Employment Cases, an hour-long presentation through the National Business Institute (NBI). Presenting live on June 25, 2024, the video is now available via the NBI online demand video platform for purchase, at
In states where CLE credits are required, it likely qualifies. Check with NBI and your state Bar Association first.
I must add that I was nervous about presenting on June 25th. It had been a few years since I have done so, but as usual, I had prepared well. (Preparation is the secret sauce to the practice of law, or not so secret). I had more to say than time allowed. This usually creates a compressed, but hopefully more interesting, presentation.
The agenda for the talk is reprinted below. I basically took seven or so minutes per topic, sometimes circling back to draw connections.
- Pre-Deposition Planning: Essential Strategies
- Taking Depositions in Employment Cases: Best Practices
- Strategies for Using Exhibits and Other Demonstrative Aids
- Effective Questioning Styles and Tactics
- Questions to Use With Specific Deponents (Employees, Employers, Supervisors, HR, etc.)
- Responding to Objections: Essential Guidelines
- Practical Guidance for Using Technology During Depositions
Thank you to NBI for inviting me to present, and for the professional and sharp production.
Gregg H. Mosson, Esq.
Mosson Law, LLC
ABOUT: Our founder and experienced attorney, Mr. Mosson, focuses on representing employees in claims of illegal discrimination, illegal retaliation, disability rights violations, FMLA interference, wrongful terminations, and when seeking owed wages. He also serves people seeking disability benefits from Social Security. His experience and knowledge in these areas of the law are vast and helpful to the clients he represents. For more details, visit the Web site at To contact us, you can click here or call 443-226-0601.